Last Blooms, 10 x 10
This one was painted as a donation for the High Museum fundraiser in November
Well, somehow six weeks have slipped by since my last post! Meanwhile, I just returned from Italy, where we have been for almost two weeks, painting with a wonderful group for 7 of those days; I will have much to post soon. We experienced just a great trip, with fabulous sunny weather and shimmering Tuscan vistas. That was my first painting trip to Europe -- with little hassle -- i.e. paints made it through security (albeit it in checked luggage); we all used Golden Open Acrylics, which worked out pretty well.
It was nice to have water soluble paint in the fields, but we all missed the richness of oils. I will be posting some of my field studies, as well as some great ones done by the other painters - (we also cooked, and drank plenty of vino, laughing all the way : ) Bye for now!